What Coffee Shop Attracts People?
In recent years, the coffee shops are booming in China. More and more people choose to drink coffee as high tea instead of Chinese tea. You can easily see Starbucks everywhere. Starbucks is always the best choice for coffee lovers. But Why is it full of charm? Does everybody love coffee so much?
It's unable to deny that there's always something to be desired to stay in the cafe. It’s not just because of perfect aroma of coffee and exquisite cup, I would rather pay more attention to interior decoration of each Starbucks. Each style is similar but the material is not the same, that’s very interesting.
For furniture selecting, Starbucks or many coffee shops prefer simple, functionable and durable metal tables, such as the vintage-style cast iron table, or the modernism stainless steel tables. In order to create a relaxed and sophiscated interior, metal is always perfectly matched with wood or marble. A marble table with cast iron table base would be the typical and easy way to wake up the cafe interior.?
It is not cookie-cutter design. Designers need to work in store in the front line and understand the? cafe space, products and services from the user's point of view. Therefore, cafe allows designers to adjust murals, layout and lighting based on the characteristics of users and communities. They consider the spatial layout from the consumer's perspective to pursuit the ultimate user experience.
Design with local characteristics.Most of coffee shops design are full of the local characteristics of the art style, which will not make people feel too abrupt. On the contrary, there is a blend of charm. That is a successful case of localization design.
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